Rage Against War - the Best

The RageAgainstTheWarMachine rally in February 2023 brought out the best in all of us. The amazing line-up of speakers and unification across all ideologies to create peace in the world was tremendous.

We’ve hand-selected some of the best speakers from that day, in front of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and have included the videos, below.

But first, I would like to thank everyone who came out in solidarity at our sister event on February 17th in Ann Arbor!

I first saw the dedicated antiwar protestors in Ann Arbor in January of last year, 2022, before Russia even launched the Special Military Operation of 2022, and the US declared its intentions to weaken Russia. There were about 5 in that cold, lonely protest on a Sunday afternoon. But the numbers didn’t matter. Their fire was unquenchable. And they knew it.

I was impressed by their dedication to preserve peace for human brothers and sisters halfway around the world who would soon become victims of America’s warmongering, and I was impressed by their dedication to hold their government accountable for its violence.

Since then, this group that gathers every week has grown to about 10 or more, on average. That includes yours truly. At our RageAgainstTheWarMachine we had over 20 come out and show their unshakable tenacity for peace. The freezing cold be damned. We had the fire.

I know those numbers are going to grow, and grow this year. We will have 40 people, then 80, then hundreds, and thousands, and millions, and ultimately billions on the side of peace before the war-profiteers ever succeed in their mission to start World War Three.

We will succeed. They will not. There will be peace.

But it will not happen without our involvement and dedication. Quite the contrary. That’s all the neocon / neo-lib / warhawks want - is for us to stop what we are doing. Stop telling people the truth. Stop openly calling for peace. Stop distributing information that shows how this administration is abusing the power of the office to commit crimes and murder around the world under the false guise of Constitutionally-declared wars. And for godsake, they think, stop reaching across party lines and uniting into an unstoppable force. If we stop doing all these things, they will succeed.

They hope we will stop, but they know we won’t.

We, however, we don’t know what we will do. We can only hope that we will not stop. We don’t know what we will do and we won’t know until peace is achieved. Even then we will not let up. Please continue to support the message of truth and of peace in anyway you can.

Join the growing group in Michigan next Saturday, March 18th at the Hart Plaza in Detroit at 2 PM as a sister rally to the ANSWER Coalition’s Anti-War protest in D.C. You can find more about that Anti-War Rally here.

And you can also share the Rage videos, below, today! By sharing some of these incredible speeches from RageAgainstTheWarMachine, you can grind the War Machine to a halt before it can even launch. Share the message quickly. Share it peacefully. Share it lovingly. Rage on!

In Peace,



Art not War


Coalition by Ron Paul