Ann Arbor, 5th & Liberty • Every Friday, 6:00PM
Anti-War Rally in Downtown Ann Arbor
We believe that ordinary American citizens do not want war, but want peace and prosperity.
About Us
It is a natural tendency to want to stop the suffering and death caused by unjust and unnecessary wars.
We are a coalition of ordinary and diverse individuals in Ann Arbor and surrounding areas who are committed to bring peace, cooperation, and equality among all nations and peoples.
Our Declaration of Peace
AACAW members stand committed to peace, cooperation, and equality among all nations and peoples, ending once and for all the ruinous institution of war.
We believe that war is based upon a foundation of lies orchestrated by government officials and war profiteers who benefit from war while paying no price for the deaths of military members and innocent civilians.
We believe it is our duty to educate ourselves and our fellow citizens on war propaganda, to hold our elected officials accountable, and to seek nonviolent methods to end the war system.
Ultimately, we will change our political and economic system from one of war, domination, and fear to a system of peace, justice, collaboration, and care. Our mission is driven by gratitude for our precious home and by love for the people we see as our human family.
We seek to be a diverse coalition focused on ending war. We welcome all those who embrace that, regardless of ideological beliefs.
Many groups internationally have concluded that Israel's military actions in Gaza constitute Genocide. 40% dead are children. 30% dead are women. Hamas' murder of Israeli civilians is condemned as strongly as the murder of Palestinian civilians.
Genocide is forbidden by the 1948 Genocide Convention Treaty and 18 US Code § 1091 which states:
Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war and with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such—(1) kills members of that group;
(2) causes serious bodily injury to members of that group;
(3) causes the permanent impairment of the mental faculties of members of the group through drugs, torture, or similar techniques;
(4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part;
(5) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or
(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group;
shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
The war in Ukraine, like all other wars the US engages in, is based on lies, misunderstandings, fear, and a cultivated hatred of one another. The Russian and Ukrainian people seek peace as much as we do, if not more. We call on the US government to stop all actions that prolong the war, human suffering, and cultural and environmental destruction.
Specifically, we seek:
An immediate ceasefire
An end to all US arms shipments to Ukraine
Bringing all parties to the negotiating table to find a peace that respects Ukrainian sovereignty and Russian national security concerns
We are not a branch or spin-off of any organization, action group, or political party that has an agenda. We are average people outraged by the horrors of reckless wars and want to give of ourselves to bring more peace to the world.
We run off of the contributions of time and energy from people like you. Donations help support the cost of reserving event space, bringing guest speakers, and communication tools like this website.
Every Friday we hold weekly demonstrations at the Federal Post Office building in downtown Ann Arbor at 5th at 5:30 PM.
We are working on sharing as much truth and information on the horrors of war and war-profiteering. Please check out our latest flyer, here, and be sure to sign up your email for future information.
Upcoming Events
Previous Speakers in Ann Arbor
Scott Ritter
Medea Benjamin
Read the AACAW Blog
Check out the latest writings on events in Ann Arbor and around the world about bringing peace,.
Contact Us

Make a donation.
Contributing with time, talent, or finances is what brings us together. The cost of not working towards peace is too great of a cost. We need your support.
The next generation of war hawks are getting weaker. The true power transfers from generation to generation by those who champion democracy, justice, peace, and liberty for all.